“Creating Hope” Sequel
In April 2015, the “Front Row” video premiered in Rochester, New York. Since then it has been shared in major cities around the United States, at the UN committee on non-violence and in some foreign cities. It is shown in Rochester City Schools, Monroe County Probation and Parole, Rec Centers, Hillside, Industry, Pathways to Peace, city libraries and YMCAs, church youth groups and many other places. It is a valuable tool in helping combat gangs and youth violence. If you have seen it, you will recognize the deep impact it is having on the youth in our community.
The Front Row Coalition, at the encouragement of many, has reconvened to develop a sequel called Creating Hope – Beyond the Front Row. Many of the same people plus some new faces from Rochester Community TV, RPD, RCSD and the city of Rochester have been working to create this second tool for those working with youth. In addition, a community-active group of college students from Alfred University, Art Force 5, participated in a vital way to help us include the input and voices of those in the younger generation we’re seeking to reach.
The focus of the sequel is on providing at-risk youth with renewed hope and vision to complete high school and reach beyond to fulfill their dreams and calling, to a place of personal success, a place where they can give back. Both youth struggling with hopelessness in poverty, gangs and violence and adults who are now happy and successful from similar backgrounds have been interviewed.
Through the gracious support of many in the community, we have already raised enough to cover the expenses of our entire budget, including filming, editing, pressing the first 1,000 DVDs, and underwriting our Premiere. Please join us in getting the word out about this vital project for our youth.
The Front Row Coalition